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Story of Possession: A Case Study of Anamika


We have already discussed possession across a lot of blogs and what it can do to a normal human being just like you and me. The reasons for possession can be numerous. But, no matter the reason, the end result is often harrowing. I have had many clients with their unique stories which have not only interested me but also intrigued me for the diversity of issues possession can cause. I shall discuss one such story of possession of my client Anamika.

Stories of Possession: A Case Study of Anamika

We all know that Hinduism believes in the concept of karma and rebirth. So, essentially the deeds of past life do matter in the present as well. To demonstrate this, let me give you an example of my client Anamika. It was my first session with Anamika and from the start, Anamika seemed a bit finicky. She was in her mid-thirties, dressed in a green t-shirt and jeans. Not only was she finicky but also distressed.

Things at her office have gone too far. Her boss, who had recently joined her team, was the reason behind it. Working as a Project manager for the same company for the past 12 years, she never experienced this. At such a senior position, she got all the respect except her boss, Amit. Amit joined the office about two years ago. The first two months were totally fine and their professional association was great. However, according to Anamika, last year, the behaviour of Amit had been totally unacceptable. The situation was so bad that Anamika could not tolerate the work strain anymore and wanted to give up her handsome salary for some relief.

“I even dream that my boss is trying to kill me!” Anamika blurted out just five minutes into our first session. “He wants power over me and to control me. I refuse to let him.”

The Struggle was Real

This story of possession goes on with Anamika describing how the struggle had escalated. It was at a point when she told Amit that she was going to quit because of him. At that moment, the boss overheard them talking and suggested Amit change his department. But Amit would not hear anything about it. Anamika felt as if Amit was jealous of her and therefore made things so difficult that she was considering quitting.

At this point, I wanted to confirm if it was Anamika who was in the wrong or Amit. Therefore, in this story of possession, I inquired,  “How do your coworkers see the relationship, Anamika?” To which Anamika replied that everyone at the office believes that Amit unjustly harasses her. Talking about all this made her quite emotional. So, to divert the topic and learn more about her personal life, asked her a bit about her home. To that, with a smile, she replied, “I have a wonderful husband! He’s been very supportive through all this. Whatever I decide to do is okay with him. He’s even agreed to sell our house if need be, so I won’t have to work for a year or so while I pull myself together.”

Often times the Electra complex seeps in and the tumultuous relationship with one’s father may also be the cause of certain things happening. Therefore, I enquired about her relationship with her father. To which, she replied that everything was always nice.  She, then, summarized her past relationships with men, and it seemed to me that this situation with Amit was unique.

Why Did She Choose Me?

For a paranormal consultant and psychotherapist, it is important to ascertain that the client believes in your capabilities. Therefore, I wanted to learn why she chose me and if she was aware of my work with past lives. The reason I asked this is because I suspected that the roots of her problems went back to another lifetime. Therefore, I questioned, “Why did you select me as your therapist?” She told me that a friend of hers, who was also my client, suggested me to her, and therefore, ” Here I am!” blurted Anamika.

Anamika added, “I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching for the past six months.” She came across an article saying that sometimes unexplained problems in present life can be a result of circumstances in the past life. So she wondered. “Do you think it’s possible that Amit and I have been together before?”

To which I explained, that all of us have many relationships with people in the past with everyone that we know. It may not necessarily be the same equation, as in, if one is married to someone, it can be the other way. You can be the father and your husband the daughter, or siblings or spouses. The possibilities and probabilities are numerous. In line with this, I explained that Amit and Anamika, too, may have had a possibility of being related. And a conflict may have arisen in the past life. Therefore, that may have an impact on the present life.

Story of Possession: How is It Responsible?

At this point, I decided to broach the subject of possession and how it can be a reason behind what was happening with Anamika. I decided to start with my mental checklist first. So I asked how her memory and concentration were. “I never used to have any problems with my memory. I was noted for my perfect recollection. It’s been getting progressively worse this past year, but I noticed changes even three years ago. And since I gave up smoking last year, I’ve had a real problem concentrating. Cigarettes used to calm me down.”

The next question I asked her was about past hospitalizations, surgical operations or accidents. To which her answers were something that I had no surprises believing. She told me that she was hit by a car when she was three years old. As a result, she was in a coma for a few months. “Then four years ago, I was injured in another accident. I’m still in therapy for that. Otherwise, I’ve never been in the hospital.”

I eased into the topic and possibilities of spirit possession and my work in this area and noticed that her chin was quivering again. “What are you feeling right now?” “I can hear my heart pounding!” she replied, tears starting to run down her face. And at this point, I knew that she was ready for her session. 

Story of Possession: Session 1

Making such a discovery in session one is quite unprecedented even for the best paranormal experts cum psychotherapists. So, where were we? Yes, Anamika was ready for her therapy and from her reaction, I was sure that something was not right. Just to be on the safe side that it wasn’t Anamika herself reacting, I decided to follow my usual sequence and get a baseline by making her a relaxation tape.

This story of possession has had quite a few ups and downs. You will know-how. So, I educated her a little about hypnosis and suggested that she push the chair to a reclining position, close her eyes, and begin to concentrate on her breathing. I then gave her soothing and positive hypnotic suggestions, which I recorded for her to listen to as she drifted off to sleep at night. She seemed beautifully relaxed, her head falling to her shoulder.

After turning the tape over to the opposite side, I recorded the session. Within seconds of addressing any spirit that may have been with her, I noticed a distinct shift from a blissful expression to one of total agitation–a “violent” reaction. That was my evidence! Her crying was so strong that I almost discontinued the recording. However, I invited in the spirit’s loved ones and witnessed the entity calming down.

How Did Anamika Feel After Session 1?

I decided to end the session and relieve Anamika from the trance when suddenly she started crying. The story of possession was much hard for the entity than Anamika. She blurted that she was feeling sad and felt that there was a man within her. Since he probably had not left, I asked her to close her eyes again and to monitor the reactions she felt as I talked specifically to that spirit. Tears streamed down her face as I pointed out how hard it was for a man to be trapped in a female body. Then I invited him to go with his loved one, perhaps his mother, to the spirit world where he would be in his own strong, healthy, male body.

As soon as the hypnosis ended, I noticed that there was still about forty minutes left for the therapy to end. Therefore, I suggested that we find out what was the deal with Amit.  I told her that if it was true, we’ll see if you can remember the event that is causing the tension between the two of you. The remarkable thing is that if you do, he may have a change of heart. I’ve seen that happen before. There must be a telepathic link between people that causes a reaction automatically. When you experience the past life, it not only heals you but maybe him too, even without his knowing about the regression.”

The Triangle

I gave her instructions on how to report what would come to mind under hypnosis and answered a few questions about what a regression was like. I induced hypnosis and gave her suggestions to regress to that particular time when she and Amit had been together before.  After a little hesitation, she described a bucolic scene: a tree-lined dirt road with fields on either side. A young couple was walking hand in hand. She volunteered that it must be the late 1800s or early 1900s from the clothes and a carriage she saw. She said she thought the people were fond of each other and were enjoying their outing.

So the story of the paranormal progress. To determine her cause of possession, I moved her ahead in time. She stated, without any emotion, that the relationship had ended. Knowing from experience that something traumatic probably had occurred that she didn’t want to remember, I gave her suggestions to overcome the resistance. Note that the conversation may be a bit uncomfortable for some. 

I will give a gist of what happened in that session. Anamika described that she saw the couple having an argument. The argument soon turned pretty violent and the girl started screaming and crying. It was then she realized that Amit of the dream was killing Anamika of the dream. As soon as she realized it, she felt as if the pain went away as if it disappeared magically.

Part Life Conflict and the Story of Possession

I appealed to the part of her that wanted to be healed and helped her to overcome her fears with reassuring suggestions. “He’s almost happy. Some ladies are trying to help me … but it’s over. He’s just standing there.” Realizing that she must remember the reason for the argument, I regressed her to the beginning of the fight-before he touched her.

Anamika told that Amit was accusing her of being unfaithful. That she was in love with some other man and the other man was the same as the one who possessed her body. Since she needed to come to terms with all that she had learned, I decided not to do any more work with the spirit at this time. I wanted to know how she felt. She had been through a great deal in one session-and her first at that! “I feel different! Strong!” A beautiful smile lit up her face. What a triangle we had!

Story of Possession: Session 2

I hardly recognized Anamika when I went to call her from the waiting room for her second session. She was the picture of a professional woman, stylishly dressed in a good-looking suit. Her makeup put the finishing touches on the overall appearance of perfect grooming. She walked confidently into my office, smiling pleasantly. “I’m much better. I can’t believe it! My husband even noticed that my driving is different. I used to be a very aggressive driver, but now I’m much more relaxed.”

She even felt as if her work relationship with Amit had somehow become better. As a psychotherapist and paranormal explorer, I could have felt no better. I asked her if she thought the spirit had left. She nodded and answered that she was pretty sure he had. After a pause, she commented that she felt a surge of heat when I asked that question, and then realized that it was not hot in my office. I sensed that her reaction was probably the entity partially manifesting because of my question. Perhaps he was reliving his death, which might have involved fire. Therefore, I decided to check it out.

Fire and a Story of Possession

In this session, we decided to explore their relationship in the same past life we had tapped into last time. Anamika recalled that she and the man were in love. They had talked about running away together first and robbing past-life Amit’s money. So, the man sneaked into the building looking to steal the money. But somehow the plan went haywire and there was a fire. With a great deal of agitation, and tears streaming down her face and neck, Anamika continued, “He was killed in the explosion! People came running to put the fire out, and I joined them, but I had to mask my emotions.”

After a few minutes, I brought her back to the present, then I asked her to speak out loud to the spirit and tell him in her own words that she wanted him to leave now. Crying hard, she did and then “confessed” that he had stayed because she wanted him to. He left telling her that he felt it was time for him to go. On asking how she felt, Anamika told that it was as if a part of her was gone. Although teary-eyed, she smiled tiredly.

She was quite puzzled by this story of paranormal possession and wondered how can the spirit remain for so long. To which I explained that after his last death, he remained earthbound and was attracted to you because of your past-life bonds.” We set up her next appointment for two days later and she left, saying that she felt much better. As I reviewed my notes before I went to the waiting room for Anamika, I felt we had made tremendous progress in our two meetings. However, my optimism had been premature. 

Story of Possession: Session 3

All my expectations of Anamika’s improvement collapsed when I saw her in the third session. Anamika was completely distraught and fragile. She said, “I don’t know what’s happening to me! I felt so up after our first session.” She told me that everything was fine at the office and she even slept very well. But once she got up, it was as if for a minute her sight disappeared. She became so dizzy she was close to passing out and vomiting. She couldn’t concentrate. Therefore, she went right to bed and slept until it was time for her to leave for our appointment. She commented, “As we were driving to your office, I got dizzy again.”

So, I asked, “Were you driving?”

To which Anamika replied, “Yes.”

I continued, “Why didn’t you let your husband take over?”

Anamika said, “I was alone.” 

I told her that right now she had mentioned “we”, which further confused her. She wasn’t sure why she said that to me. So I asked if she had experienced dizziness before. Anamika told me that she had two instances of migraines leading to dizziness. They started exactly the same way she felt this morning. When she was under hypnosis, I regressed her to the event responsible for the dizziness. I wanted to determine the story behind the possession. She recalled a previous life as a male officer in which she was stabbed to death and hence the reason behind her dizziness.

Story of Possession – Who Are “We”?

Once we had ascertained that, now was the time to understand another aspect of this story of possession. Who was “we?” Her slip of the tongue was a dead giveaway that she had someone else with her. It was also possible that the entity we had worked with during the last two sessions has not left. I asked her what she meant by “we.” “There are others with me. They control me. And they are very concerned that you might try to make them leave. They are very strong, and angry with you now that I know about them being with me,” she replied.

I regressed her to the moment they joined her. She relived being on the operating table when she was a child, after being hit by the car. The feeling of the scalpel metal digging inside her skin made her head hurt. She was crying and groaning in pain. It was difficult for her to breathe. Anamika recalled that at that instance, she saw three people standing beside her table. The moment they came near, the pain magically disappeared. There were two women and a man. 

Once I was able to determine the reason for this story of paranormal possession, I spoke to the three spirits directly. I told them that their work was over. They were successful in saving the child. But since the child was a full-grown woman now, it was time for them to leave. All three paranormal beings left within seconds.

Story of Possession: Session 4

The fourth session was the last session for Anamika. When she came to my office, she was looking great and I felt as if she had no problems anymore. But we still hadn’t ascertained the reason for why Amit had taken the drastic step in the past life. Anamika was curious, therefore, we decided to conduct another session. Once under hypnosis, she drifted back to the instance of fire. She saw Amit over there. Once the fire had died down, he went inside and saw the body and the open safe. He immediately had his doubts. Although we were raised together, he knew Anamika well enough to not doubt.

She described how Amit took care of her and when she wanted to leave, he was not ready. One day when they were coming home from a temple, the fight escalated. It was at a point from where there was no coming back. She relived her death again, adding that she realized she didn’t want to live as he was beating her. She escaped from her guilt and the trap she felt she was in by slipping out of her body. Once everything was clear, we decided that there was no point in further sessions. Therefore, she bid adieu to me and the paranormal entities that had been possessing her for so long.

My advice to you

Please remember that any physical or emotional discomforts a person experiences can mostly be due to various diseases or emotional conditions he or she is going through. I have seen that majority of cases do not involve paranormal activity of any kind. Paranormal events are extremely rare occurrences. Hence your problems should be first brought to the notice of a qualified medical practitioner. I have often seen that the line between borderline personality disorders or other psychiatric disorders and “spirit possession” is thin. Hence a  good paranormal investigator should advise his clients that professional medical care is the first solution or remedy for any physical or emotional discomfort.

Remember, you need to be a sceptic first to develop into a paranormal investigator. You need to rule out every single scientific possibility that is known to mankind to identify anything that is paranormal. Hence travel through the path of modern science, explore and unravel all facts using data and what cannot be explained through science is what we need to explore more through the paranormal arena. Most of your clients may feel desperate due to whatever they are going through. It’s your duty to act responsibly. Guide them through the path of modern science. Refrain from being a doctor or healer. There are qualified medical practitioners out there who can do their job well. Avoid any forms of advice on religious or cultural rituals or for that matter any ritualistic practices.

The post Story of Possession: A Case Study of Anamika appeared first on paranormalmusings.com.

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